Metal Framework Combo Partials

Metal With Acrylic or Valplast

Partial dentures

If you determine that your patient is a good candidate for a metal-based removable partial denture, call on Mike's Superior Dental Lab to get the job done right. Our frameworks are much lighter than a traditional partial and although a bit more expensive, remain significantly less expensive for patients than obtaining implants or bridgework.

You can trust Mike's Superior to create an expert design that incorporates your instructions. Simply write "Lab Design" in the instructions area of the lab slip. However, w e will gladly follow your design, should you choose to submit one.

Vitallium 2000+ Metal Frameworks

Our frameworks are fabricated with superior-quality materials and a keen eye on detail. Once your framework is finished we can can return it to your office for a metal-only tryin, with a wax rim, or with teeth. If you are unsure which tryin to request, simply request a call from Mike. He can let you know, based on the models of the patient's mouth, if a wax rim or tryin with teeth is recommendable.

A Very Special Note:

We pride ourselves in producing the very best framework partials, but we can only do so if the impression sent by the doctor's office renders a model that is an accurate representation of the patient's mouth. Even the slightest inaccuracy can result in an ill-fitting appliance. For this reason, we ask that you use a high-quality impression material and inspect your impressions or models thoroughly before sending a case. Thank you!

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